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  • Clinton & Killingworth - War of 1812
    • 7/10/24

    Clinton & Killingworth - War of 1812

    On June 27th 2024, Dave LeVasseur, hosted by Henry Carter Hull Library and both the Killingworth and Clinton Historical Societies, presented a talk on the War of 1812 focusing on the events and participants from Killingworth and Clinton. Thank you, Dave, for your ongoing series of local history storytelling sessions, and thank you Sarah of the Henry Carter Hull Library for allowing us to reach as many people as possible.

  • Clinton Historical Society Virtual Tour
    • 1/22/23

    Clinton Historical Society Virtual Tour

    Our museum is now open for tours on specific dates and occasions. If you can’t attend in person, here’s glimpse of our collections in Old Brick, the George Flynn Library, the Buell Tool Museum, and our heritage gardens.

  • Clinton & Killingworth in the American Revolution / Lecture by David LeVasseur
    • 1/22/23

    Clinton & Killingworth in the American Revolution / Lecture by David LeVasseur

    Murder, patriotism, and spies were at the heart of David LeVasseur’s lecture about the roles Clinton and Killingworth played in the American Revolution. Were the residents of Clinton and Killingworth loyal to the crown? Or were they ardent patriots who fought and died for American independence? Find out by watching this archived video of his lecture which was held on May 26 and co-sponsored by CHS with the Killingworth Historical Society.